Sorry for my late post. I have had a hard time establishing links. Also, I had a personal business to take care of. Anyways here is my product.
<!--I love to be called as Pokey D. That is kind of a fun name. This is my first page of the haiku series.-->
<body style="background-color:gray">
<H1><p style="text-align:center;font-family:impact;color:black;font-size:55px">PoKEY D SpeakING</H1>
<P><p style="text-align:center;font-family:impact;color:white;font-size:25px">This is my favorite haiku</P>
<p><p style="text-align:center;font-size:40px"><a href="Won_Hwang_haiku_2.html">Sweep away the clouds</a>
<!--I love to be called as Pokey D. That is kind of a fun name. This is my first page of the haiku series.-->
<body style="background-color:gray">
<H1><p style="text-align:center;font-family:impact;color:black;font-size:55px">PoKEY D SpeakING</H1>
<P><p style="text-align:center;font-family:impact;color:white;font-size:25px">This is my favorite haiku</P>
<p><p style="text-align:center;font-size:40px"><a href="Won_Hwang_haiku_2.html">Sweep away the clouds</a>
<!==This is my second haiku. I have added scrolling marquee and blue background==>
<body style="background-color:#6495ED">
<div align="center"> <marquee bgcolor="#87CEFA" scrollamount="3"
direction="up" loop="true" width="60%"> <center>
<font color="#ffffff" size="20"><strong>
And let a dome of blue sky
</strong></font> </center> </marquee></div>
<!==I have added a link to the third page==>
<P><p style="text-align:center;font-size:40px">
<a href="Won_Hwang_haiku_3.html">Give this sea a name</a>
<!==This is my second haiku. I have added scrolling marquee and blue background==>
<body style="background-color:#6495ED">
<div align="center"> <marquee bgcolor="#87CEFA" scrollamount="3"
direction="up" loop="true" width="60%"> <center>
<font color="#ffffff" size="20"><strong>
And let a dome of blue sky
</strong></font> </center> </marquee></div>
<!==I have added a link to the third page==>
<P><p style="text-align:center;font-size:40px">
<a href="Won_Hwang_haiku_3.html">Give this sea a name</a>
<!==Finally I made a third page working. Without Angela's help, I couldn't make it work==>
<body style="background-color:MediumAquaMarine ">
<marquee behavior="alternate" direction="left";p style=font-size:50px;color:#AFCACD>Give this sea a name</marquee>
<body style="background-color:MediumAquaMarine ">
<marquee behavior="alternate" direction="left";p style=font-size:50px;color:#AFCACD>Give this sea a name</marquee>